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一生的旅程 The Ride of a Lifetime 英版 英文原版 迪士尼CEO羅伯特艾格自傳 Robert Iger 15年迪士尼公司CEO的經(jīng)驗之談

已關(guān)閉 懸賞分:30 - 提問時間 2020-04-08 13:42
Title 書名 
一生的旅程 The Ride of a Lifetime 英版 英文原版 迪士尼CEO羅伯特艾格自傳 Robert Iger 15年迪士尼公司CEO的經(jīng)驗之談
Author 作者:
Robert Iger
Publisher 出版社:
Bantam Press
Language 語種:
Page Number 頁數(shù):
Physical Info 商品尺寸:


羅伯特·艾格(英語:Robert Allen "Bob" Iger,1951210日-),生于美國紐約長島,猶太人,迪士尼公司現(xiàn)任董事長及首席執(zhí)行官。


他在2000年成為迪士尼總裁兼營運總監(jiān),繼而在200510月繼承米高·艾斯納成為總裁兼行政總裁,20123月繼承John E. Pepper, Jr.成為董事長及首席執(zhí)行官。在艾格領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,迪士尼于2006年收購了皮克斯動畫制作室,然后在2009年收購了漫威娛樂,再在2012年收購了盧卡斯影業(yè),進(jìn)一步擴展了迪士尼媒體王國的版圖。他亦是蘋果公司的董事會成員。20171214日,艾格宣佈華特迪士尼收購由傳媒大亨魯珀特·梅鐸控制的二十一世紀(jì)福斯的大部分資產(chǎn),連同承擔(dān)債務(wù),總代價約為524億美元。


Robert Iger于2005年接任迪士尼執(zhí)行長職位,正逢競爭激烈、科技變遷前所未有的快速的時代。對此,Robert Iger以三大核心思想讓迪士尼立于不拜之地:回歸品質(zhì)、順應(yīng)而非對抗科技潮流、展望全球,最終將迪士尼打造成全球趨之若鶩的國際品牌。

十二年后,迪士尼成為全球受尊崇的媒體王國,旗下包含皮克斯動畫工作室、漫威電影宇宙、盧卡斯影業(yè)及21世紀(jì)福斯,資產(chǎn)達(dá)Robert Iger接手前的五倍之多。

Robert Iger將營運迪士尼、帶領(lǐng)二十萬名員工的經(jīng)驗寫于本書之中,并分享身為領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者必備的特質(zhì),包含:


• 樂觀積極。即使?fàn)顩r艱困,樂觀積極的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者依然能專注于解決問題,并找到*的解決辦法,而不會忙著消沉和抱怨。


• 勇敢堅決。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者必須勇于承擔(dān)決策風(fēng)險,否則會因害怕失敗而被扼殺創(chuàng)意。


• 具決斷力。不管是多艱難的決策,都必須在短時間內(nèi)果斷下達(dá),不然不僅浪費時間,也很可能影響員工士氣。


• 謙和公正。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者應(yīng)待人有禮,具同情心且不讓人覺得難以親近。


四十五年前,Robert Iger開始在ABC廣播電視臺工作,自此以后,一直兢兢業(yè)業(yè)、不隨意馬虎,這樣的心態(tài)不僅成為Robert Iger日后工作的基石,亦為其待人準(zhǔn)則,故能夠與Steve Jobs培養(yǎng)出深厚友誼,而他對《星際大戰(zhàn)》的喜愛,更是他一舉買下盧卡斯影業(yè)的一大誘因。本書不僅是為了各大企業(yè)營運長而寫,更是為了你我這樣的平凡人而生,期盼大家看完本書,能更少點恐懼、多點自信。

Table of Contents:
The CEO of The Walt Disney Company shares the ideas and values he has used to reinvent one of the most beloved companies in the world, and inspire the people who bring the magic to life.

In 2005, Robert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company during a difficult time. Morale had deteriorated, competition was more intense, and technology was changing faster than at any time in the company's history. "I knew there was nothing to be gained from arguing over the past," Iger writes. "The only thing that mattered was the future, and I believed I had a clear idea of the direction Disney needed to go." It came down to three clear ideas: 1) Create the highest quality content Disney could produce. 2) Embrace and adopt technology instead of fighting it. And 3) Think bigger--think global--and turn Disney into a stronger brand in international markets.

Twelve years later, Disney is the largest, most respected media company in the world counting Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 21st Century Fox among its properties. Its value is nearly five times what it was when Iger took over, and Iger is recognized as one of the most innovative and successful CEOs of our time.

Now, he's sharing the lessons he's learned while running Disney and leading its 200,000 employees--taking big risks in the face of historic disruption; learning to inspire the people who work for you; leading with fairness and communicating principles clearly. This book is about the relentless curiosity that has driven Iger for forty-five years, since the day he started as a studio supervisor at ABC. It's also about thoughtfulness and respect, and a decency-over-dollars approach that has become the bedrock of every project and partnership Iger pursues, from a deep friendship with Steve Jobs in his final years to an abiding love of the evolving Star Wars myth.

"Over the past fourteen years, I think I've learned so much about what real leadership is," Iger writes. "But I couldn't ha

Biographical Note:
Robert Iger is chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company. Prior to this position, he served as president and CEO beginning October 2005 and president and COO from 2000 to 2005. Iger officially joined the Disney senior management team in 1996 as chairman of the Disney-owned ABC Group and in 1999 was given the additional responsibility of president, Walt Disney International. In that role, Iger expanded Disney's presence outside of the United States, establishing the blueprint for the company's international growth today. As chairman of the ABC Group, Iger oversaw the broadcast television network and station group, cable television properties, and guided the merger between Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. and The Walt Disney Company. He began his career at ABC in 1974.,,

來源 :http://product.dangdang.com/1545140020.html

一生的旅程 The Ride of a Lifetime 英版 英文原版 迪士尼CEO羅伯特艾格自傳 Robert Iger 15年迪士尼公司CEO的經(jīng)驗之談
106 次關(guān)注     提問者: water88  

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