
中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)
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李篤中--- 教授 (臺科大 副校長)

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2016-01-29  瀏覽次數(shù):318
核心提示:李篤中--- 教授 (臺科大 副校長)
中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)

中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)


李篤中 教授 (臺科大副校長)

Duu-Jong Lee



電子郵件 djlee





203; 203A; 植研104

(02)3366-3028; (02)3366-3028; (02)3366-3071


臺灣大學 化工學士,1984
臺灣大學 化工博士,1990


生物產(chǎn)氫與厭氧發(fā)酵 生態(tài)填埋程序 熱裂解程序 



碎形結(jié)構(gòu)與輸送 薄膜生物反應器 分子生物技術 混凝控制 



微尺度沸騰程序 微尺度凝固程序 


1.Advanced Technologies for Biological Processes and Separation Technologies (II) 生物程序與膜分離之前瞻技術-總計畫(2/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 97-2221-E-002-147-MY3 NT$ 884,000, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010
2.Development and Mechanisms of Electrically Stimulated Membrane Bioreactor (II) 生物電化學強化微生物薄膜反應器之開發(fā)及機制探討(2/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 97-2221-E-002-148-MY3 NT$ 2,075097, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010
3.High Rate De-nitrification and De-sulfurization in Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Reactor (I) 以膨脹顆粒污泥床進行高速反硝化脫硫反應(1/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 98-2221-E-002-026-MY3 NT$ 1,035,000, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010
4.Wetting Dynamics of non-Newtonian Fluids (I) 非牛頓流體之濕潤動力學研究(1/3) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 98-2221-E-002-103-MY3 NT$ 1,035,000, 08/01/2009-07/31/2010
5.Anaerobic Granular Technology and Carbon Credit 厭氧顆粒技術與碳權 Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, #NSC 98-2623-E-002-008-ET NT$ 634,000, 01/01/2009-12/31/2009
6.International Exchange Program on Technologies and Human Resources on Drinking Water (II)  公共給水國際技術交流與人才育成計畫(2/2) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by WRA, # MOEAWRA0980035 NT$ 2,900,000, 06/15/2009-12/15/2009
7.Establishment of Membrane Technologies for Drinking Water (I)  公共給水國際技術交流與人才育成計畫(1/4) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by WRA, # MOEAWRA0980288 NT$ 7,900,000, 06/15/2009-12/15/2009
8.International Collaboration and Training Program on Environmental and Energy Technologies 國際環(huán)保與能源技術共同研究及培訓計畫 Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSC, # NSC 97-2911-I-002-036 NT$ 2,250,000, 04/01/2009-12/31/2009
9.Development of High-Rate De-S/De-N Reactor  高效脫硫脫氮反應器之開發(fā) Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, PRC RMB 300,000, 10/01/2009-12/31/2010
10.Transport Phenomena in Hydrogen-Producing Granules  產(chǎn)氫生物顆粒之傳遞現(xiàn)象及相關機理 Lee, Duu-Jong, sponsored by NSFC, PRC, #50876024 RMB 380,000, 01/01/2009-12/31/2011


1.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES: Member of Organizing Committee, Chairman and co-Chairman of Symposium of Transport and Its Applications (1992-now); Chairman of Sino-Singapore Jointed Symposium on Environmental Protection Techniques (1998-now); Member of International Organizing Committee of World Filtration Congress (2001-now); Chairman of Sino-Japan Jointed Symposium on Membrane Separation Technologies (2003-now); Member of International Program Committee of the International Water Association Conference on Sludge Management (Singapore, 2004); Member of International Program Committee of International Workshop of Industrial Drying 2004 (Mumbai, 2004); Member of International Program Committee of the World Filtration Congress IX (New Orleans, 2004); Member of International Organizing Committee of Asian Powder Technology (APT) (2004-now); Member of International Program Committee of The First International Heat Transfer Forum (Kyoto, 2004); Member of International Program Committee of the International Water Association Conference on Sludge Management (South Africa, 2005); Member of International Program Committee and member of Organizing Committee of the International Water Association Conference on Chemical Industries (Tsukuba, 2005); Member of International Program Committee of World Congress and Exhibition on Hydrogen Energy (Singapore, 2005); Member of International Program Committee of Young Researchers’ Forum, International Water Association (Singapore, 2006); Member of International Program Committee of Asian Drying Conference 2005 (Kalkota, India, 2005); Committee Member of World Congress on Powder Technology 2006 (Orlando, USA, 2006); Committee Member of World Filtration Congress X (Germany, 2007); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Sludge Management (Turkey, 2007); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Sludge Management (Canada, 2007); Member of International Program Committee, Bioenergy Outlook, Singapore (2007); Committee Member of Asia-Pacific Drying Conference 07 (Hong Kong, 2007); Member of Organizing Committee, 4th Asian Membrane Science Conference, Chung Yuan University, (2007); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Chemical Industries (Beijing, 2008); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Sludge Management (Harbin, 2009); Committee Member of International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Conference on Membrane Science & Technology (Beijing, 2009)
2.JOURNAL EDITORIAL: Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers (Elsevier, SCI, 2006/07-2009/06); Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Environmental Science (1999-now); International Advisory Board member of Journal of Thermal Science (中國科學院, EI, 2000-now); Chief Editor of 國立臺灣大學工程學刊 (2000/08-2003/07); Guest Editor of Water Science and Technology (IWA, SCI,EI, 2001, 2002); Chair of Working Task Group of Decision Making Map of Sludge Management, International Water Association (2002-2008); Regional Editor of Heat Transfer Asian Research (Wiley, EI) (2002-now); International Advisory Board member of Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2002-now); Guest Editor and Editorial Board member of Separation Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis, SCI,EI, 2002-now); Editorial Board member of Journal of Residues Science & Technology (DecTech Pub, SCI, 2004-now); Guest Editor and Editorial Board member of Drying Technology (Taylor & Francis, SCI,EI, 2005-now); Editor of Advanced Powder Technology (Elsevier, SCI, 2005-now); Editorial Board member of 中國給水排水 (中國建設部 EI, 2006-now); Editorial Board member of Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineers (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2008-now); Guest Editor of Desalination (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2008); Guest Editor and Editorial Board of Bioresource Technology (Elsevier, SCI,EI, 2009-now).
3.VISITING APPOINTMENT: Visiting Professor (Nanyang Technological University, 2000-2007); 客座教授(同濟大學, 2005-now); 客座教授(天津大學, 2006-now); 兼職博士生導師 (哈爾濱工業(yè)大學, 2006-now);客座教授 (Hokkaido University, 2007-now); Visiting Processor (Hokkaido University, 2008); Visiting Professor (National University of Singapore, 2009); 客座教授 (重慶大學, 2008-now); 兼任講座教授 (中原大學, 2008-2011); 特約講座教授 (逢甲大學, 2008-now)
4.PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: 輸送現(xiàn)象暨應用研討會籌備委員會主席 (2000-2008); Managing board member of Sludge Management, International Water Association (2000-2007); 行政院國家科學委員會(NSC)複審委員(1997-now); 行政院大陸委員會複審委員(2004-now); 行政院經(jīng)濟部評審委員(2004-now); 中國環(huán)境工程師學會國際合作副主任委員(2003-2005); 觀察員(國際經(jīng)濟合作組織OECD, 國際能源局IEA, Hydrogen Implementing Agreement) (2005-now); 臺灣化學工程學會會誌及論文委員會主任委員(2006/7-2009/6); 中華人民共和國國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)專家組(2006-2008); 中國工程師學會學術委員會委員(2006-now); 中華人民共和國教育部長江辦專家組(2009)
5.AWARD: 斐陶斐榮譽會員(1984); 學術勵進獎(中國化學工程師學會, 1994); 甲等獎(行政院國家科學委員會, 1990-1995); 傑出獎 (行政院國家科學委員會, 1996-2002); 特約研究員(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-2008); 賴再得獎(中國化學工程師學會, 1999); 最佳論文獎(日本化學工程師學會, 2002); 青年獎章(中國青年救國團, 2002); 十大傑出青年(國際青商會, 2002); 最佳論文獎(中國化學工程師學會, 1997, 2003); 最佳論文獎(中國工程師學會, 2003); 傑出工程教授(中國工程師學會, 2004); 白玉蘭人才基金 (上海市科委, 2004); 石延平教授論文獎(臺灣化學工程學會, 2006); 長江學者講座教授(中華人民共和國教育部, 2007-2009); 國立臺灣大學終身特聘教授(2006-now); 傑出特約研究獎(行政院國家科學委員會, 2008) ; Top Reviewer (Bioresource Technology, Elsevier, 2009)
International Cooperation Project
1.城市污泥資源化利用及其環(huán)境風險控制; 北京市自然科學基金委員會;合作者:中科院地理科學與資源研究所環(huán)境修復中心陳同斌主任, RMB 500,000 (Co-PI) (2005-2008)
2.開發(fā)應用于可持續(xù)水代謝社會之前瞻薄膜生物反應器; 臺日雙邊合作計畫; 國科會-日本交流協(xié)會雙邊國合計畫; 合作者: 東京大學大學院工學研究科山本和夫教授, 金額 NT 1,500,000 (PI) (2006)
3.非平衡非線性輸送現(xiàn)象之基礎研究; 中華人民共和國國家自然科學基金委員會重點項目; 合作者:清華大學熱能系彭曉峰教授, RMB 2,200,000 (Co-PI) (2006-2008)

代表著作 近五年著作


1. Zhang, Xiao-Xian; Ma, Fang; Lee, Duu-Jong. Recovery of itaconic acid from supersaturated waste fermentation liquor. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2009, 40, 583-585.

2. Lee, Duu-Hwa; Hsu, Shih-Shun; Tso, Chun-To; Su, Ay; Lee, Duu-Jong. An economy-wide analysis of hydrogen economy in Taiwan. Renewable Energy. 2009, 34, 1947-1954.

3. Adav, Sunil S.; Lee, Duu-Jong; Lai, Juin-Yih. Functional consortium from aerobic granules under high organic loading rates. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 3465-3470.

4. Yu, Guang-Hui; Juang, Yu-Chuan; Lee, Duu-Jong; He, Pin-Jing; Shao, Li-Ming. Filterability and extracellular polymeric substances of aerobic granules for AGMBR process. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2009, 40, 479-483.

5. Adav, Sunil S.; Lee, Duu-Jong; Wang, Aijie; Ren, Nanqi. Functional consortium for hydrogen production from cellobiose: Concentration-to-extinction approach. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 2546-2550.

6. Yang, Zhen; Peng, Xiao-Feng; Lee, Duu-Jong; Chen, Ming-Yuan. An Image-Based Method for Obtaining Pore-Size Distribution of Porous Media. Environmental Science & Technology. 2009, 43, 3248-3253.

7. Wang, Xiao-Dong; Zhang, Xin-Xin; Yan, Wei-Mon; Lee, Duu-Jong; Su, Ay. Determination of the optimal active area for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with parallel, interdigitated or serpentine designs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2009, 34, 3823-3832.

8. Adav, Sunil S.; Lee, Duu-Jong; Lai, Juin-Yih. Treating chemical industries influent using aerobic granular sludge: Recent development. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2009, 40, 333-335.

9. Adav, Sunil S.; Lee, Duu-Jong. Intrageneric and intergeneric co-aggregation with Acinetobacter calcoaceticus I6. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2009, 40, 344-347.

10. Zhao, Wen-tao; Huang, Xia; Lee, Duu-Jong. Enhanced treatment of coke plant wastewater using an anaerobic-anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor system. Separation and Purification Technology. 2009, 66, 279-286.

11. Chen, Chuan; Wang, Aijie; Ren, Nanqi; Lee, Duu-Jong; Lai, Juin-Yih. High-rate denitrifying sulfide removal process in expanded granular sludge bed reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 2316-2319.

12. Zhao, Wen-Tao; Huang, Xia; Lee, Duu-Jong; Wang, Xiao-Hui; Shen, Yue-Xiao. Use of submerged anaerobic-anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor to treat highly toxic coke wastewater with complete sludge retention. Journal of Membrane Science. 2009, 330, 57-64.

13. Wong, Biing-Teo; Show, K. Y.; Lee, Duu-Jong; Lai, J. Y.. Carbon balance of anaerobic granulation process: Carbon credit. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 1734-1739.

14. Tu, Wen-Kai; Shie, Je-Lung; Chang, Ching-Yuan; Chang, Chiung-Fen; Lin, Cheng-Fang; Yang, Sen-Yeu; Kuo, Jing T.; Shaw, Dai-Gee; You, Yii-Der; Lee, Duu-Jong. Products and bioenergy from the pyrolysis of rice straw via radio frequency plasma and its kinetics. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 2052-2061.

15. Lee, Chuen-Chi; Lee, Duu-Jong; Lai, Juin-Yih. Amylase activity in substrate deficiency aerobic granules. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2009, 81, 961-967.

16. Adav, Sunil S.; Lee, Duu-Jong; Lai, Juin-Yih. Proteolytic activity in stored aerobic granular sludge and structural integrity. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 68-73.

17. Lu, Fan; Chang, Cheng-Hsuan; Lee, Duu-Jong; He, Pin-Jing; Shao, Li-Ming; Su, Ay. Dissolved organic matter with multi-peak fluorophores in landfill leachate. Chemosphere. 2009, 74, 575-582.

18. Zhang, Hua; Chang, Cheng-Hsuan; Lue, Fan; Su, Ay; Lee, Duu-Jong; He, Pin-Jing; Shao, Li-Ming. Fluorescent characteristics of estrogenic compounds in landfill leachate. Environmental Technology. 2009, 30, 953-961.

19. Zhang, Hua; Chang, Cheng-Hsuan; Lue, Fan; Lee, Duu-Jong; He, Pin-Jing; Shao, Li-Ming; Su, Ay. Estrogenic activity of fractionate landfill leacahte. Science of the Total Environment. 2009, 407, 879-886.

20. Chen, Chuan; Wang, Aijie; Ren, Nanqi; Deng, Xuliang; Lee, Duu-Jong. Optimal process pattern for simultaneous sulfur, nitrogen and carbon removal. Water Science and Technology. 2009, 59, 833-837.



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