(微信名稱:中國給水排水 微信號:cnww1985;掃描二維碼進入中國給水排水微信公眾號cnww1985,首頁右下角,點擊 云直播 ,即可觀看直播、直播回放以及近期直播預(yù)告。
柴曉利:復(fù)合粉末載體生物流化床技術(shù)及其應(yīng)用 /水體原位生態(tài)修復(fù)技術(shù)及其應(yīng)用
復(fù)合粉末載體生物流化床技術(shù)及其應(yīng)用 /水體原位生態(tài)修復(fù)技術(shù)及其應(yīng)用
2020年6月12日(周五) 14:00—16:00
柴曉利,博士,同濟大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院教授,博士生導師,主要研究方向為水體污染控制與生態(tài)修復(fù)技術(shù)。先后在希臘Aristotle 大學化學系,日本九州大學工學院都市環(huán)境工程系,美國伊利諾伊州立大學香檳分校,美國勞倫斯國家重點實驗室做訪問研究工作。近年來主持了一系列的國家科技項目,包括國家“水重大專項”課題2項,國家自然科學基金面上項目6項、國際合作與交流項目3項,獲得日本經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)業(yè)省重大國際合作項目1項,日本環(huán)境省重大國際合作項目1項;迄今為止在國際重要SCI刊物發(fā)表論文100余篇,出版2部英文專著,1部日文專著。 主編普通高等教育“十一五”“十二五”規(guī)劃教材“固體廢物處理與資源化”“環(huán)境工程專業(yè)畢業(yè)設(shè)計指南”等書籍21本;在水體污染控制與生態(tài)修復(fù)技術(shù)方面取得了多項關(guān)鍵技術(shù)的突破,獲得了一批具有國際先進水平的研究成果,先后獲得授權(quán)發(fā)明專利37項;開發(fā)的復(fù)合粉末載體生物流化床技術(shù)、基于微生物調(diào)控的水體原位生態(tài)修復(fù)技術(shù),在全國10多個省市的污水廠提標改造、黑臭水體治理、富營養(yǎng)化水體防治以及飲用水源地的水質(zhì)提升等工程中得到了廣泛的推廣應(yīng)用,得到了政府和新聞媒體的廣泛關(guān)注。研究成果先后獲得了2013年國家科技進步二等獎,2011年教育部科技進步一等獎以及省部級技術(shù)發(fā)明、科技進步獎一等獎2項。
1、關(guān)注《中國給水排水》官方微信 CNWW1985
李德強 13920075800
衣春敏 13920341911
王領(lǐng)全 13752275003
識別二維碼 關(guān)注我們
發(fā)布時間 : 2016-06-08 |
專業(yè)技術(shù)職務(wù): 教授 博士/碩士導師: 博士、碩士生導師 電話: 13816219468 電子郵箱:xlchai@#edu.cn 所在系所(部門):環(huán)境工程系 主要研究方向:水體生態(tài)修復(fù)技術(shù)、固體廢物處理處置與資源化 主講課程:環(huán)境工程學(固體廢物)
1987-1991,東北師范大學化學系,獲理學學士學位 1997-2000,南京理工大學環(huán)境科學與工程系,獲工學碩士學位 2000-2003,同濟大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院,獲工學博士學位
20003年7月-同濟大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院 2002年1月-6月,希臘亞里士多德大學化學系合作研究 2005年5月-2006年5月,日本九州大學訪問學者 2010年7月-9月,美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校訪問
1)國家自然科學基金面上項目,51678427,基于植被與覆蓋土復(fù)合傳輸機制的填埋場汞釋放通量預(yù)測模型構(gòu)建,2017.1-2020.12,64萬,在研,主持。 2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51478327,基于植被與覆蓋土傳輸機制的甲烷釋放預(yù)測模型構(gòu)建,2015.1-2018.12,92萬,在研,主持。 3)國家科技部重大國際合作項目,填埋場甲烷減排與資源化技術(shù)設(shè)備研發(fā)及應(yīng)用,2015.4-2018.3,90萬,在研,子課題負責人。 4)國家自然科學基金面上項目,51278357,填埋場覆蓋土-植被-大氣間汞的交換機制對汞的形態(tài)分布及釋放通量的影響研究,2013.1-2016.12,56萬,已結(jié)題,主持。 5)國家科技部重大專項項目,2013ZX07315-002,城市污水處理廠污泥處理處置技術(shù)裝備產(chǎn)業(yè)化,2013.1-2016.6,2780萬,在研,主持。 6)國家科技部重大國際合作項目,基于有機殘渣與飛灰共處置的脫氯技術(shù),2013.1-2015.12,60萬,已結(jié)題,主持。 7)國家自然科學基金國際合作項目,51110342,填埋場溫室氣體的釋放機制與控制技術(shù)研究,2012.04-2014.12,40萬,已結(jié)題,主持。 8) 國家自然基金面上項目,51078285,填埋場植被與覆蓋土復(fù)合作用對甲烷釋放影響機制研究,2010.1-2013.12,37萬,已結(jié)題,主持。 9)日本環(huán)境省國際合作項目,非規(guī)范填埋場安全、環(huán)境穩(wěn)定性評估體系研究,2010.7-2011.7,120萬,已結(jié)題,主持。 10) 日本經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)業(yè)省國際合作項目,垃圾焚燒灰渣在水泥工廠中的資源化利用技術(shù),2019.7-2010.7,已結(jié)題,280萬,主持。 11)國家自然基金面上項目,20877057,填埋場甲烷化時期腐殖質(zhì)與汞的非生物作用對其形態(tài)分布和釋放規(guī)律的影響,2009.1-2011.12,28萬,已結(jié)題,主持。
1) Free-conditioning dewatering of sewage sludge through in situ propane hydrate formation, Water Research 145 (2018): 464-472 2) Development of sludge-derived mesoporous material with loaded nano CaO2 and doped Fe for re-utilization of dewatered waste-activated sludge as dewatering aids, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 335: 161-168. 3) Mechanism insights into bio-floc bound water transformation based on synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography and viscoelastic acoustic response analysis, Water Research, 2018, 142: 480-489. 4) Development of sludge-derived mesoporous material with loaded nano CaO2 and doped Fe for re-utilization of dewatered waste-activated sludge as dewatering aids, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017.10.3, 335: 161~168. 5) Exploring the potential of iTRAQ proteomics for tracking the transformation of extracellular proteins from enzyme-disintegrated waste activated sludge, Bioresource Technology, 2017.2, 225: 75~83. 6) Occurrence State and Molecular Structure Analysis of Extracellular Proteins with Implications on the Dewaterability of Waste-Activated Sludge, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017.8.15, 51(16): 9235~9243. 7) Simultaneous enhancement of sludge dewaterability and removal of sludge-borne heavy metals through a novel oxidative leaching induced by nano-CaO2, Environmental Science And Pollutton Research, 2017.7, 24(19): 16263~16275. 8) Characterization of chlorine and heavy metals for the potential recycling of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incinerators as cement additives. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(4): 1-9. IF, 1.799. 9) Development of montmorillonite-supported nano CaO2 for enhanced dewatering of waste-activated sludge by synergistic effects of filtration aid and peroxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016. IF, 5.310. 10) Enhanced nutrient removal from lake water via biodegradation of poly (L-lactide)/poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) blends. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(8): 6528-6539. IF, 3.289. 11) Enhanced dewatering of waste-activated sludge by composite hydrolysis enzymes. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 39(4): 627-639. IF, 1.901. 12) Field study of nitrous oxide production with in situ aeration in a closed landfill site. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2016, 66(3): 280-287. IF, 1.613. 13) Hybrid cement-assisted dewatering, solidification and stabilization of sewage sludge with high organic content. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2016, 18(2): 356-365. IF, 1.422. 14) Methane emissions as energy reservoir: Context, scope, causes and mitigation strategies. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2016, 56: 33-70. IF, 16.784. 15) Novel insights into enhanced dewatering of waste activated sludge based on the durable and efficacious radical generating. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2016. IF, 1.613. 16) Site specific diel methane emission mechanisms in landfills: A field validated process based on vegetation and climate factors. Environmental Pollution, 2016. IF, 4.839. 17) Environmental impacts of a large-scale incinerator with mixed MSW of high water content from a LCA perspective. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, 30: 173-179. IF, 2.208. 18) Effective landfill gas management strategies for methane control and reuse technology. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2015, 7(4): 041511. IF, 0.961. 18) Greenhouse gas emission and its potential mitigation process from the waste sector in a large-scale exhibition. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, 31: 44-50. IF, 2.208. 19) Total mercury and methylmercury distributions in surface sediments from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(11): 8603-8610. IF, 2.760. 20) The dependence of the methylation of mercury on the landfill stabilization process and implications for the landfill management. Chemosphere, 2015, 119:828–834. IF, 3.698. 21) Characterization of microalgae-bacteria consortium cultured in landfill leachate for carbon fixation and lipid production. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 156(2):322–328. IF, 4.917. 22) Characteristics of light regime on biofixation of carbon dioxide and growth of Scenedesmus obliquus with light-emitting diodes. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2014, 6(3): 033104. IF, 0.961. 23) Enhanced dewatering characteristics of waste activated sludge with Fenton pretreatment: effectiveness and statistical optimization. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2014, 8(2): 267-276. IF, 1.799. 24) Influence of aeration modes on leachate characteristic of landfills that adopt the aerobic–anaerobic landfill method[J]. Waste Management, 2014, 34(1): 101-111. IF, 3.829. 25) Indicating landfill stabilization state by using leachate property from Laogang Refuse Landfill. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2014, 8(3): 405-410. IF, 1.799. 26) Characterization of controlled low-strength material obtained from dewatered sludge and refuse incineration bottom ash: Mechanical and microstructural perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 129: 183-189. IF, 3.131. 27) Emission characteristics and air–surface exchange of gaseous mercury at the largest active landfill in Asia. Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 79: 188-197. IF, 3.459. 28) Inhibitory effects of a shock load of Fe (II)-mediated persulfate oxidation on waste activated sludge anaerobic digestion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 233: 274-281. IF, 5.310. 29) Spectroscopic studies of the effect of aerobic conditions on the chemical characteristics of humic acid in landfill leachate and its implication for the environment. Chemosphere, 2013, 91(7):1058–1063. IF, 3.698. 30) The effect of aerobic conditions on the complexation ability between mercury and humic acid from landfill leachate and its implication for the environment. Chemosphere, 2013, 92(4):458–463. IF, 3.698. 31) The effect of aeration position on the spatial distribution and reduction of pollutants in the landfill stabilization process–a pilot scale study. Waste Management & Research, 2013, 31(1): 41-49. IF, 1.338. 32) Abiotic association of phthalic acid esters with humic acid of a sludge landfill. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2012, 6(6): 778-783. IF, 1.799. 33) Complexion between mercury and humic substances from different landfill stabilization processes and its implication for the environment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 59-66. IF, 4.836. 34) Enhanced removal of carbon dioxide and alleviation of dissolved oxygen accumulation in photobioreactor with bubble tank. Bioresouce Technology, 2012, 360-365. IF, 4.917. 35) Enhanced dewaterability of sewage sludge in the presence of Fe (II)-activated persulfate oxidation. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 116: 259-265. IF, 4.917. 36) Fluorescence excitation–emission matrix combined with regional integration analysis to characterize the composition and transformation of humic and fulvic acids from landfill at different stabilization stages. Waste Management, 2012, 32(3): 438-447. IF, 3.829. 37) Novel insights into enhanced dewaterability of waste activated sludge by Fe (II)-activated persulfate oxidation[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 119: 7-14. IF, 4.917. 38) Synergetic pretreatment of waste activated sludge by Fe (II)–activated persulfate oxidation under mild temperature for enhanced dewaterabilit. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 124: 29-36. IF, 4.917. 39) Characteristics of vegetation and its relationship with landfill gas in closed landfill. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2011, 35(3): 1295-1301. IF, 3.249. 40) Abiotic association of PAEs with humic substances and its influence on the fate of PAEs in landfill leachate. Chemosphere, 2010,11: 1362-1367. IF, 3.698. 41) Characteristics of environmental factors and their effects on CH4 and CO2 emissions from a closed landfill: an ecological case study of Shanghai. Waste Management, 2010, 30(3): 446-451. IF, 3.829. 42) Effect of bio-column composed of aged refuse on methane abatement–A novel configuration of biological oxidation in refuse landfill. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(5): 769-776. IF, 2.208. 43) Solid phase extraction of trace Hg (II) on silica gel modified with 2-(2-oxoethyl) hydrazine carbothioamide and determination by ICP-AES. Talanta, 2010, 82(5): 1791-1796. IF, 4.035. 44) Characterization of refuse landfill leachates of three different stages in landfill stabilization process. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21(9): 1309-1314. IF, 2.208. 45) Landfill refuse stabilization process characterized by nutrient change. Environmental Engineering Science, 2009, 26(11): 1655-1660. IF, 1.481. 46) Size-fractionation and characterization of landfill leachate and the improvement of Cu2+ adsorption capacity in soil and aged refuse. Waste Management, 2009, 29(1): 143-152. IF, 3.829. 47) Characterization of humic and fulvic acids extracted from landfill by elemental composition, 13 C CP/MAS NMR and TMAH-Py-GC/MS. Waste Management, 2008, 28(5): 896-903. IF, 3.829. 48) Characteristics and mobility of heavy metals in an MSW landfill: Implications in risk assessment and reclamation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 144(1): 485-491. IF, 4.836. 49) Spectroscopic studies of the progress of humification processes in humic substances extracted from refuse in a landfill. Chemosphere, 2007, 69(9): 1446-1453. IF, 3.698. 50) Adsorption of phenolic compound by aged-refuse. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006, 137(1): 410-417. IF, 4.836.
主要專著 1)《Pollution control and resource reuse of bottom ash and fly ash》,2016年出版。 2)《Pollution Control and Resource Reuse for Municipal Solid Wastes at Landfill》,2016年出版。 2)《Municipal Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific Islands》,2014年出版。 3)《Stability evaluation for substandard dumping sites of municipal solid waste》(日文),2013年出版。
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